Vigilant Floral
At first glance a traditional floral, but upon deeper investigation you realize you’re not alone. You’re being watched. A fantastic take on today’s big brother culture, Dan uses security cameras to reveal how we have become impervious enough to the presence of cameras that we don’t even notice them immediately when in such a contradictory scenario such as this floral wallpaper. Birds and butterflies on razor is another less than subtle comment on humans entrap themselves and nature on a daily basis. Yet the serious nature of the commentary loses out to the overall humor behind the way the elements have been combined and that is exactly why Vigilant Floral is destined to become a classic. Pure Funderburgh for Flavor Paper mockery.
Vigilant Floral started as a digital wallpaper, but for the Museum of Art and Design’s MAD Makers 100 Invitational we decided to create a handscreened version to work with the mirrored stands and futuristic garden concept. We love it and wanted to share it!
See it in action!

Brooklyn, NY

Various Installations in homes around the globe

Various Installations in homes around the globe

New York, NY

New York, NY

New York, NY

New York, NY