City Park
This modern classic draws from historic damask pattern style, but twists it decidedly modern with urban content like rats and parking meters. Curators at the Smithsonian were so taken with City Park that they chose it for the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum permanent collection. We have the original screen and also the inverse screen, so you can now choose to print the elements or print the background. We can also print this without rats – uninfested, if requested. One great pattern with many ways to make it your own!
See it in action!

Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, NY

New York, NY

New York, NY

New York, NY

New York, NY

New York, NY

New York, NY

New York, NY

Various Installations in homes around the globe

Various Installations in homes around the globe

Various Installations in homes around the globe

various Installations in businesses around the globe

New York, NY