Brooklyn Museum

It’s pretty sweet when two things you dig collide and you get to be up in the mix. Such is the case when KAWS – a.k.a. Brian Donnelly, who’s a Brooklyn-based graffiti artist and designer that has brilliantly bridged the worlds of art, popular culture and commerce – teamed up with the Brooklyn Museum for KAWS: WHAT PARTY. You’ve probably heard chatter about it because it’s a damn good show. But, if not, it’s an extensive look at a hundred plus works of his, many of which have rarely been seen. We’re talking drawings and notebooks, paintings and sculptures, collectibles, furniture, and massive installations of his popular COMPANION figures. And, fresh pieces created just for the exhibit, including augmented reality works and, well, this is where Flavor Paper comes in-ish, too…our own Jon Sherman (who is on the Board of Advisors for the museum) had the awesome opportunity to work with both camps to donate and produce two custom digital murals for the exhibition, including a black and white Snoopy abstract and a process diagram showing how Brian lays out his colors, which was ultra-interesting. While we hate to break it that the wallpaper designs are not available for purchase, we hope you enjoy this dynamic look at Brian’s work through a different lens! Please do check out the exhibit if you’re in the hood; it runs through September 5th, 2021. Eugenie Tsai, John and Barbara Vogelstein Senior Curator, Contemporary Art, of the museum did a phenomenal job curating the show and we all need to help support our cultural institutions, which are unfortunately at great risk. Lastly, many thanks to KAWS for his generosity in helping BKM continue to entertain and educate! Awesome, man!!