Brooklyn, NY

Governor was (RIP!) another fantastic restaurant from BEET Brooklyn, the good people who brought you Gran Electrica and our Dia de Dumbo wallpaper. Robert Gair invented cardboard packaging in the 1800’s and developed nine of Dumbo’s large warehouses to house the rapidly growing business. Because Governor lived in one of Gair’s buildings, 15 Main St, they decided to pay tribute in several creative ways, one of which was custom Flavor Paper. Flavor founder and creative director, Jon Sherman, was asked to create a design that would tie in Gair and cardboard yet embody the sexiness that BEET’s restaurants are well known for. Jon photographed a stack of corrugated cardboard and turned it into a repeating pattern, then added historic naughty photos superimposed with Gair’s mug and made them look like they had been burned into the cardboard. The result is pretty hilarious if we do say so ourselves. Our apologies to the Gair family for taking such liberties as we do not know if he was a spanker or not, but our goal was only to create sexy comedy which the world desperately needs.