Art Basel Miami
Glottman Showroom, Design District, Miami, FL

While spending some of our Katrina evacuation in Miami we planned a great exhibition with our Miami showroom Glottman, Bang & Olufsen, and artist Jona Cerwinske.
The opening reception was held during Art Basel in December 2005. Art lovers and design fans browsed the Glottman showroom while enjoying champagne and new Flavor Paper displays. Highway 66 in Roquefort reflected the action in the Design District from the front windows while Dauphine in Good n Plenty exuded a softer and more refined air by the caiparinhia bar. Jona designed the custom One Love wallpaper and border for the party which made an amazing backdrop for his one of a kind pieces, DJ Ruckus, and the hi-tech Bang & Olufsen equipment. We also debuted a new colorway for Intarsia called Zebra Stardust. The large wall of Kabloom in Fruit Punch wowed everyone in attendance. Including us!